502 PASSARO Weisswein mit Grapefruit Case 25 x 250 ml / 5.8 % Italien 84.00 84.00 CHF InStock Drink-Shop Englisch/Sale/25 % discount Drink-Shop Englisch/Country of Origin/Italien Drink-Shop Englisch/Mixed drinks/Mixed Drinks <p>We believe in quality</p> <p>Pássaro is a wine of great elegance, fine bouquet but with pronounced floral and fruity notes, which are also found on the palate; full and long on the finish. He is produced in a traditional and multi-award winning family business near Venice, Italy.</p> <p>The freshness experience</p> <p>For the refinement of the wine and for the taste of perfect freshness, Pássaro was complemented with the aroma of the paradise apple, the red grapefruit. The result is a seductive wine, heavenly refreshing.</p> PASSARO 1 4 add-to-cart 10.800 0 mixgetranke/PASSARO-Weisswein-mit-Grapefruit-Kiste-24-x-250-ml-/-5.8--Italien/.html PASSARO Weisswein mit Grapefruit Kiste 24 x 250 ml / 5.8 % Italien - 0 PASSARO Weisswein mit Grapefruit Kiste 24 x 250 ml / 5.8 % Italien von Edelgenuss AG für #price# von 0 0 1 0 2
Drink-Shop Englisch/Sale