SW13239 ChariTea MATE GINGER Organic SUGARFREE disposable crate 24 x 330 ml Germany 69.90 69.90 CHF OutOfStock Drink-Shop Englisch/Light / Zero Drinks Drink-Shop Englisch/Country of Origin/Deutschland Drink-Shop Englisch/Tea Drink-Shop Englisch/Tea/Tea <p>ChariTea MATE GINGER Organic SUGARFREE disposable crate 24 x 330 ml Germany</p> <p>NEW: Without sugar and in the practical disposable bottle without deposit</p> <p>For all those who want to stay awake without white powder. ChariTea mate ginger shows that a really good mate needs neither sugar nor sweetener. Only the best organic ingredients, such as real yerba mate with lots of natural caffeine, guayusa, the traditional energy drink of the indigenous people of the Amazon rainforest, and tingling, spicy ginger. small farmers' cooperatives.</p> ChariTea add-to-cart 12.000 Bio-Mateteeaufguss (Wasser, Bio-Matetee) (48,3%), Aufguss aus Kräuter-/Früchtetee (Wasser, Bio-Apfelstücke, Bio-Guayusa, Bio-weißer Hibiskus, Bio-Zitronenmyrte, Bio-Süßkraut, Bio-Koffein) (48,2%), Bio-Ingwersaft (2%), Bio-Orangensaft (1,2%), Bio-Zitronensaft (0,3%), Kohlensäure. 0 ChariTea MATE GINGER Bio SUGARFREE Einweg Kiste 24 x 330 ml Deutschland - 0 ChariTea MATE GINGER Bio SUGARFREE Einweg Kiste 24 x 330 ml Deutschland von ChariTea für #price# von 0 0 1 0 2
Drink-Shop Englisch/Light / Zero Drinks