SW13564 CAZ Cascara Kaffeekirschen Getränk Kiste 24 x 330 ml Schweiz 84.00 84.00 CHF InStock Drink-Shop Englisch/Soft Drinks / Lemonade Drink-Shop Englisch/Country of Origin/Schweiz Drink-Shop Englisch/Tea <p>CAZ Cascara Kaffeekirschen Getränk Kiste 24 x 330 ml Schweiz</p> <p><br>“We are curious and open-minded. This has driven us to find the best ingredients to create a refreshing drink that is pure joy. Discover the refreshing world of cascara, the shell around the coffee bean.<br> <br>Cascara combines the invigorating power of coffee with the natural sweetness and fruity aroma of cascara. Although only the beans of the coffee plant are usually used, cascara is an absolute superfood: in addition to the natural caffeine, cascara is full of antioxidants, vitamins (C, B2 and B6), minerals (potassium, magnesium and iron), fiber, amino acids and chlorogenic acid.</p> CAZ Cascara add-to-cart 14.400 Aufguss aus getrockneter Pulpe der Kaffeekirsche (Cascara), Schweizer Wasser, Rübenzucker, Kohlensäure, Zitronensäure. 0 0 0 6 1 0 2
Drink-Shop Englisch/Country of Origin/Schweiz