SW13082 WACHMEISTER Koffeinbonbon RASPBERRY Geschmack Packung 16.5 Gramm Schweiz 2.50 2.50 CHF InStock Drink-Shop Englisch/Country of Origin/Schweiz Drink-Shop Englisch/Snacks/Chewing Gum Drink-Shop Englisch/Snacks/Snacks <p>WACHMEISTER Koffeinbonbon RASPBERRY Geschmack Packung 16.5 Gramm Schweiz</p> <p>WACHMEISTER RASPBERRY</p> <p>The world's unique candy with mate, caffeine and B vitamins!<br>Contents: 15 sweets per bag.</p> <p>MENTHOL<br>MATE<br>COFFEINE (10mg per sweet)<br>MINT<br>RASPBERRY FLAVOR</p> <p>In the fragrant Kaffeinia Mountains, the Bonbon Adventurers set out on a mission: to create the ultimate raspberry mate caffeine candy! Their journey began in a steaming cup of mate tea, dipping raspberries and searching for the secret to the perfect blend. The raspberries whispered: "More berry and a pinch of caffeine!". With these clues, the researchers returned to their candy lab. There were coffee bean tornadoes, mate tea explosions and even a brief caffeine rush. But after countless experiments, the time had finally come. The ultimate raspberry mate caffeine candy was born! So invigorating that people conquered the world in a caffeine frenzy and planted mate trees in their gardens.</p> WACHMEISTER add-to-cart 0.100 1 Zutaten:Süssungsmittel: Sorbitol, Acesulfam K und Sucralose, Koffein, Säuerungsmittel: Citronensäure, Aroma, Trennmittel: Magnesiumsalze der Speisefettsäuren, Menthol, Vitamine (Niacin, Riboflavin), rote Beete Saftkonzentrat, Mateextrakt (0,2%) 0 WACHMEISTER Koffeinbonbon RASPBERRY Geschmack Packung 16.5 Gramm Schweiz - 0 WACHMEISTER Koffeinbonbon RASPBERRY Geschmack Packung 16.5 Gramm Schweiz von WACHMEISTER für #price# von 0 0 1 0 2
Drink-Shop Englisch/Country of Origin/Schweiz