SW13397 ChariTea black BIO Kiste EINWEG 24 x 330 ml Deutschland 69.90 69.90 CHF OutOfStock Drink-Shop Englisch/Country of Origin/Deutschland Drink-Shop Englisch/Tea Drink-Shop Englisch/Tea/Tea <p>ChariTea black BIO crate ONE-WAY 24 x 330 ml Germany</p> <p>NEW: In the practical disposable bottle without deposit</p> <p>Organic iced tea from fair trade. Freshly brewed. Sugar-free, sweetened with agave.<br>ChariTea black<br>Black iced tea with lemon</p> <p>Product is BIO Max Havelaar & fair trade certified</p> <p>Organic, fair and simply delicious! The organic black tea from LemonAid Beverages is freshly brewed before bottling. The ingredients for this delicious refreshing drink all come from fair trade!</p> ChariTea add-to-cart 14.000 0 ChariTea black BIO Kiste EINWEG 24 x 330 ml Deutschland - 0 ChariTea black BIO Kiste EINWEG 24 x 330 ml Deutschland von ChariTea für #price# von 0 1 1 0 2
Drink-Shop Englisch/Country of Origin/Deutschland